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vendredi 3 février 2012

To heaven or to hell ?

To heaven or to hell ?

                    Abu Hanifa the founder of the Hanafi  islamic school followed by many islamic countries, notably in the middle East, was once asked to answer a problematic question wich was: are a man who was drunk and died , and a  woman who died when she was giving birth, from adultry , to a child  ; are they believers or infidels ?

                     Before responding , he asked  them : what squad are this man and this woman belonging to ? Are they jews ? They said no . He said : are they  christians  ? they said no.He said : are they pagans ? They said no. Then he asked them what was their religion , they said : they were from the religion that testifies that there was no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his slave and his  messenger.

                     Then he asked them to tell him how much is this testimony from belief , a third or a quarter or a fifth ? They said that belief cannot be a third or quarter or fifth , and that this testimony is the entire belief . Then he said : so how you ask me about people you just claimed and approved that they were believers?

                      They said let this aside and tell us : are they going to heaven or to hell ? He answered : so if you insist , I will say on them what the profet Ibrahim said on people who were more offense than them : " Oh my Lord ! they have indeed led astray many among mankind; he then who follows ( my ways ) is of me , and he that disobeys me , Thou art indeed oft-forgiving, most merciful " ( The Quran , Ibrahim 36 ). And I will say on them what the profet of God Jesus christ has said on people who were more offense than them : " If Thou dost punish them , they are Thy servents ; if Thou dost forgive them , Thou art the Exalted in power , the Wise " . ( the Quran , Al maida 118 ) . And I will say what the profet of God Noah has said : " They said : shall we believe in thee when it is the meanest that follow thee ? He said what do I know as to what they do ? Their account is only with my Lord , if ye could ( but ) understand." ( the Quran , ashuarae 113- 114 ) . And I will say on them what Noah has said too : " I  tell you not that with me are the treasures of God , nor do I know what is hidden , nor claim I to be an angel .Nor yet do I say of whom your eyes do despise, that God will not grant them all that is good  : God knoweth best what is in their souls : I should, if, I did, indeed be a wrong-doer."
                                                                     written by Medjalil

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