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mercredi 1 février 2012

The arab leader tyrants and the Irony of names

 The arab leader tyrants and the Irony of names
                           The names of the tyrant arab learders seem not to be void of significance but have meanings and connotations , ironically these meanings have nothing in common with those leaders , their personnalities and their deeds or principles , instead they are in antagonism with them.

                          Let us start by the ousted president of Tunisia who fled to Saudi Arabia , Zeen El abidine Ben Ali ."Zeen" in arabic means "beauty" and "Al abidine" means "the worshipers" implicitly of God  , so  "Zeen Al abidine" means "beauty of the worshipers" and" Ben Ali" means "son of Ali" , and Ali is the name of the cousin of the profet  Muahammad  may peace be upon him. Neither Benali was a good worshiper but of money and power as responsibles in Tunisia are saying , nor was he brave and just like Ali the fourth successor of the profet Mohammad in leading the nation of Islam .

                          Muhammad Hosny Mubarak , is the name of the ousted president of Egypt , Muhammad as we have said is the first name of the profet meaning  "the one who praises (God)", Hosny came from the noun Hosn meaning also in arabic "beauty", so Hosny means "my beauty", and Mubarak means "blessed" . Yet this president neither was  beautiful physically speaking  and in his manner of ruling , nor was he blessed  nor praising , but disliqued and damned by his own people.

                             Mouammar Al khaddafi of Lybia has stayed a long time in power 42 years of opression of Lybian people , this has something in common with his name for the noun "mouammar" came from the verb "youammiro" which means in arabic" to live a long time" , so Mouammar means the one who lives a long time ,  khaddafi has ruled for a very long time but has  not lived a very long time ; the rebels reduced his days by killing him . Khaddafi came from the verb "yaqdifo"   to shoot and to insult , so Al khaddafi means "the one who shoots" or "the one who insults" ; this yes Khaddafi has shot and kicked away all the human values and the principles in order to govern his people with an iron fist , and has of course insulted his people by calling them rats ,worms and coackroaches.

                            Ali Abdullah Saleh who was forced by the Yemeni protesters to abandon the power , was not fair , nor just or courageous like Ali the cousin of the profet Muhammed may peace pe upon him , and the forth ruler in the history of Islam ; and was not in the eyes of yemenis fearing God as his name means Abdullah " the worshiper of God", and was not  good as his name "Saleh" means in arabic , which came from the verb "aslaha" meaning to repair and  reform .Saleh has nothing repaired of his ruling mistakes nor has he brought some reforms to satisfy his poor people.

                            Now , Bachar AL assad the intrensigent president of Syria ; Bachar means in arabic the one who promises and comes with good news ,  and Al assad means "the lion" . So Bachar is no longer coming with good news and he promises but the killing of innocent Syrians ; and his not a lion protecting his herd , but a lion  terrifying his flock.


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